Be Careful What You Wish For
There are so many things that I wished for as a kid that I now ardently oppose as an adult.
For instance:
I couldn't wait to grow up... but now I wish I could be a kid again.
Wanted to stay up as late as possible... now I just want to be able to get more sleep.
Wanted to wear glasses... now I would be ecstatic to have perfect vision.
Used every known medication to combat acne so I could have less oily slather on moisturizer religiously for fear of wrinkles.
Couldn't wait to be done with school forever... now I miss those carefree days of being a student.
Thought it would be cool to have highlights .... now I bemoan having to cover up my gray hairs.
Wanted time to speed up because a week felt like an eternity... now I desperately wish time could slow down so I can enjoy as much time as possible.