Chubby Bunny

Our beloved pet rabbit passed away last year. I hadn’t expected it, but the little ball of fur stole my heart. He would follow me through the house and hop around my feet like a puppy. Lazy and mellow, our chubby bunny was an ideal pet. My kids would read to him like a younger sibling. And they devotedly cleaned his cage and fed him daily.

The whole family was distraught when he passed and it added one more stain to an already muddy year.

Recently, my kids have been clamoring for a new pet. It’s been a hot topic for debate. We already have fish (boring). We discussed getting a chinchilla (have never even met one before). They asked for a hamster (heck no). We can’t get a cat (allergies). So that leaves the option of getting a dog (too much work?), or another rabbit. Am I ready to open my heart to another pet? The verdict is yet to be determined.